The Violence of Consensus

In 2012 I was kicked off the crowdfunding site Indiegogo. That year Stratasys Inc. revoked my lease of one of their 3D printing machines and forcibly repossessed it from me. By December I was labeled a terrorist by Bloomberg-controlled political lobbies and marked by the tech publications as one of the most dangerous people in the world. Versions of this cycle have happened to me every year since then. The hell the alt-right is catching now ain’t new.

This is the subtle violence of “deterrence, pacification, neutralization, control — a violence of quiet extermination,” in the words of my master Baudrillard. This is the business of politics after the passing of the political. This is a “communicational violence — the violence of the consensus and conviviality which tends to abolish” the roots of radicality itself. Transhumanism? The Singularity? The tech industry is everywhere a contractor of the state in the prevention of such gothic hypotheses.

And did Damore buck The Consensus? Recall that he was not questioning his company’s motivations or desired ends in his critique of diversity training. His memo was meant as a constructive contribution toward Google’s industrial-psychological protocols for building a better IQ shredder. Yes, I mean this in the Landian sense.

Though it employs elite engineers who perform heroic feats almost daily, Google is still at its core a mere advertising company, and it has made the Internet a sewer of ads. At some point a moving front of companies along with Apple or another giant will break their business model with an Internet payments layer. This is inevitable. Whence, then, comes its hubris to elect itself an enforcer of American monothought? Are these just Conquest’s Laws at work?

We may not have an answer, but we all dimly understand that we hate Google for its transparent exercise of power. We all understand that we hate Facebook and the rest of Silicon Valley for creating and exercising this level of control from such empty pretenses.